Tag Archives: dog rose tea

Rosa Canina Tea

Rosa Canina is also known as dog rose or wild rose; they are the fruits of the rose coming from the plant seeds. These plants have one of the richest vitamin C sources, per 10 grams of dried leaves or hips, there are 170-200 milligrams of vitamin C.

Taking into account that the minimum daily requirement of vitamin D to maintain our immune system in good condition is of approximately 60 milligrams, would then be well covered with a cup of Dog Rose Tea. In addition, the rose hips contain good amount of vitamin D, vitamin E, essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids, antioxidant value is even higher than the one contained by the blueberries.


In powder form, the hips also serve as a natural remedy to treat rheumatoid arthritis. This wonderful and powerful botanical discovery can also be used as a preventative remedy for urinary tract infections. Due to the outstanding content of iron, many women drink Do Rose tea in order to replenish iron lost during menstruation. It can also be used to treat constipation.

Due to the huge amounts of vitamin C, this can interfere with certain anticoagulant medications. Therefore, should not use this herb if you are taking anticoagulants. Also, those with sickle cell anemia should not consume this tea.

On the other hand, and after leaving apart these details, we can only make us a good tea.

Dog Rose Tea Recipe

  • You will need 1 tablespoon of drying and grinding rose hips for every cup of water
  • Boil for 15 minutes.
  • Let it sit for awhile, and serve it hot.
  • Yes, it is quite simple, but this is one of the main ingredients that can be mixed with other herbs to create your own healthy tea. Don’t be afraid to experience.

You can also perform excellent and rich rose hips canned mixture, but must be taken into account mainly that they must be fresh. Place them in a jar (previously the hips grind), and then pour a little bit of honey until that it covers fully the fruit. Cover the container with a porous fabric to allow the honey to evaporate and thicken, process which will take place a little more than one week. You can do this with many other herbs in their greater taste, but only works if they are fresh. The goodness of herbal extracts and honey complemented with theirs, thus this mixture becomes a wonderfully healthy option spreads the toasts and tasty, or also serves to sweeten tea or tisane.

I like the taste of this tea 😀 .