Tag Archives: depurative

Artichoke Tea

The artichoke tea is an infusion of bitter flavor, with diuretics and depurative properties, which contribute to the good hepatobiliary system functioning, to lose weight and to low the cholesterol, among other benefits for the health.
The artichoke tea is a delicious drink that is very popular in South America and Vietnam. The artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) is used in the whole history for its medicinal value. The majority of the curative properties that the artichoke has, exist due to its active principle, the cinarina. The cinarina has been studied very much lately for its effects on reducing the cholesterol. Those that appreciate the alternative medicine can tell you the wonders the artichoke tea can do for you. The Artichoke tea has properties that can help you to reduce the levels of cholesterol, they help to attack the cancer due to the antioxidant capacity that it has. It has also an effect of small weight loss that many people enjoy.

The artichoke tea is rich in folic acid, vitamin A1, vitamin B1, vitamin C as well as in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and dietetic fibers. Thanks to all its “ingredients”, it provides the following benefits to us:
• It helps to protect the liver and it’s effective in the treatment of the affections related to this organ. It helps the persons with hepatic insufficiency. Indirectly it improves the recovery of the alcoholism effects.
• It is a diuretic, contains insulin, so it regulates the sugar in the blood. Likewise it is a diuretic being an advisable infusion for the weight loss helping to the decrease of the corporal fat and the urine retention.
• It is a great tranquilizing for the stomach and predisposes to the appetite recovery.
• It allows a rapid recovery when suffering of nauseas, abdominal pains, constipation, diarrhea and stomach acidity.
• It helps decreasing the cholesterol level.
• It stimulates the blood circulation.

Artichoke Tea Recipe
• 12 artichoke leaves
• 1 cup of 250 cubic centimeters of boiling water

How to Prepare It:
• Introduce the leaves in the boiling water and leave them there about 10 minutes.
• Seep and drink warmly.
• Drink it after diner.
• It is possible to combine it with mint to smooth its flavor.