Mentha is a type of 25-30 species of plants from family Lamiaceae, worldwide distributed.
Peppermint tea, also known as mint tea, is the Moroccan traditional drink. It is a tasty tea that gives you a good feeling.
Mint was very popular among Greeks and Romans. Its flavor and medicinal qualities have been appreciated for centuries, being used in many ways.
In many countries mint tea is drunk after eating for the improving of digestion.
Peppermint can be used with success in the gastro-intestinal disorders, liver health and maintaining, indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting. This plant is recommended for food poisoning and has also an antibacterial effect. Also, Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) is a great natural remedy for relieve headaches.
It is recommended to drink peppermint tea after meals to have a pleasant breath and reduce symptoms of indigestion and bloating.
Drinking mint tea is not recommended in chronic constipation and gallstones.
For tea you can use teabags, fresh mint leafs or loose leaf tea.
Mint Tea recipes:
- Boil 1 liter of water. Then, put 3 teabags of mint tea, let it infuse for 10 minutes and then take out the teabags. Sweeten with honey or sugar, as you prefer.
- Boil 1 liter of water. Then, put some fresh spearmint leaves or loose leaf mint tea, washed and set the tea pot over low heat and simmer the tea for 3 minutes. Let it infuse for 7-10 minutes and take out the mint. Sweeten with honey or sugar, as you prefer.
If you want mint ice tea you can put 4-5 ice cubes and 2 slices of lemon. Also, you can use few drops of orange juice for flavor.
Traditional Moroccan tea recipe:
Traditional Moroccan tea is made from green tea leaves, mint and a large amount of sugar.
Boil water. Place in kettle of green tea leaves and 2-3 branches of mint and pour hot water over the leaves. Hot water is poured from a distance of 70-80cm, specifically to form a light foam. Then pour sugar into the pot.
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