Sea Buckthorn Tea

Sea Buckthorn also known under the scientific name of Hippophae rhamnoides, is a plant with medicinal properties.

Sea Buckthorn is a plant which appeared in Europe and Asia. The Tibetan medicine started to use it many years ago.

Sea Buckthorn contains substances such as flavones and vitamins A, E and C, which act as antioxidants. It has unsaturated fatty acids. All these nutritional principles help to keep a low bad cholesterol or LDL.

How is Sea Buckthorn fighting against the cholesterol?

It has an antioxidant that increases the degradation of fatty tissue, which is derived to the cell for the production of energy. This reduces the synthesis of LDL and VLDL liver level, since its blood concentration decreases. By its content of unsaturated fatty acids, Sea Buckthorn increases the concentration of cholesterol HDL or good cholesterol. This mechanism of action reduces the plaque formation in the inner walls of the arteries, which reduces the possibility of cardiovascular diseases.

Within all medicinal uses that are obtained from this plant, the best is that it is great in maintaining the cardiovascular health. According to various scientific studies was established that the consumption of Sea Buckthorn tea, could improve the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system.


How is Sea Buckthorn improving the health of the heart?

• Sea Buckthorn contains flavones, substances which act on the fat metabolism and cardiovascular health.

• These flavones would improve the HR of the cardiac muscle.

• They strengthen the role of cardiac pump.

• Decreasing the resistance and peripheral elasticity.

How to prepare Sea Buckthorn Tea:

• Place 40 grams of Sea Buckthorn in a liter of water.

• Boil for 30 minutes.

• Let rest for 15 minutes.

• Strain.

• Drink.

How to drink a Sea Buckthorn infusion?

• Drink 3 cups of infusion a day

• One in the morning, another at lunch and the last after dinner.

Marigold Tea (Calendula officinalis)

The Marigold (Calendula officinalis) is widespread in the Mediterranean area – southern Europe and North of the Near East. It belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is an herbaceous annual plant with yellow flowers. Its flowering lasts almost all year, closing at night and opening at dawn.

This plant has been known since antiquity. The name Calendula comes from the Latin calendae, calendar, designating the first day of each month. This name refers practically to the flowering, which occurs every month of the year, even in the winter months, if it is not extremely cold. Just like sunflowers, the Marigold flowers tend to follow the movement of the Sun, which is why this plant is also known under the name solsequium, meaning “following the Sun”.

Collection and preparation: use the flowers that are harvested when they are completely; they should dry out quickly in a ventilated place, although without using artificial heat. Consume the petals, peripherals or even the entire flower, which is the more current home-made remedies.
Active substances: essential oil, calendula – sapogenina, Glycoside, carotinoide, Xanthophylls, bitter principles, mucilage, ferment and organic acids.


Drinking marigold tea you can treat gastric ulcer and infections of mouth and throat and improve digestion by stimulation of bile production and also helps to cure menstrual cramps, liver disease and constipation.
Marigold has also anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.  Marigold is mainly used externally to treat bruises, wounds, eczema, skin disorders, haemorrhoids and burns.

Click here if you want to buy tasty marigold tea from Amazon.

Contraindications and interactions
It should not be used if there is hypersensitivity or allergy to Calendula. It should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding because its effects are unknown. It is not used in open skin and eye irritations. Interactions with other drugs have not been described, although due to the presence of mucilage, there could be a potential risk of delay or decreasing the oral absorption of other active principles.

Marigold Tea Recipe: To prepare Marigold Tea, boil 1 liter of water. Then, put 1 or 2 teaspoons of the plant and allow it to infuse for 10 minutes. Against bile disorders, drink at moderate temperature 2 to 3 cups a day, it is also used in dressings, bandages and compresses.

Marigold Tea

Herb Robert tea (Geranium robertianum)

Geranium robertianum, (Robertiella robertiana) commonly known as Herb Robert, Red Robin, Death come quickly, or (in North America) Robert Geranium, is a common species of cranesbill in Europe, Asia, North America, and North Africa.

Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) is an enigmatic herb with a miraculous action in tumor diseases, managing to halt or even cure some cancers.

Before consuming this tea as a remedy for a disease, please ask your doctor.

In all cases healed, Geranium robertianum tea treatment was accompanied by a strict diet with juices and raw vegetables or whole grains (Oshawa diet).

Used for: ovarian cancer, intestinal cancer and stomach, breast cancer, tuberculosis, lung cancer, hematuria, radiation, impotence, ovarian cysts, ovarian, polycystic, ulcer, leukemia and sterility.

For Herb Robert tea don’t use tap water. You can use mineral water, or, better, spring water who must not be older than 48 hours.

Herb Robert tea recipe: In a cup (250ml) of water put one tablespoon of dried leaves and flowers, neither crushed, to soak over night. The resulting liquor (the soak) is filtered in the morning, and scald the remaining plant with another cup of water.
After leaving to cool for half an hour at room temperature, filter this infusion. At the end, let to infuse the soak.
You can drink 3 cups of tea per day on an empty stomach. Sip tea drink (some therapists recommend to drink with a spoon), unsweetened, without alcohol.
I did not drink this tea and I can’t tell you how does it taste, bot when I drink one, I will leave my feedback.


Linden Tea – Tilia Tea

Tilia is a genus of about 30 species of trees, well scented, known also as called lime in Britain and linden or basswood in North America. Tilia is one of the longest trees: can achieve incredible 1,000 years old and can produce up to 100 kg of flowers.

Lime flowers are not only pleasant fragrance, but also have healing powers, especially for respiratory and digestive diseases. Therapeutic virtues of lime were discovered in ancient times. Back then they used mostly bark, leaves and tree sap. Today, however, both herbalists, and cosmetic specialists prefer to use flowers.

Linden Flower I like very much the wonderful flavor and great taste of linden tea.

Often, linden tea is considered to be trivial, because the spread of consumption.

Once, linden was used mainly to treat indigestion, colds and abdominal pain. Modern scientific research has discovered the therapeutic equivalent. Thus, linden flower tea proved a valuable ally in the fight against infectious diseases (colds, flu) – promotes sweating and is therefore useful in controlling fever. It has calming action on the cough, stimulates blood flow, diuresis and gallbladder activity. It is also an effective remedy in headaches, abdominal cramps and fever muscle. In addition, due to sedative effects, is indicated for insomnia, nervousness, intellectual overload.

The best time to harvest flowers is one or two days after rain, or immediately after bloom, during warm weather and sunny, then dried in the shade.

Linden Tea recipes:

  • Boil 1/2 liter of water. Then, put 2 teaspoons of linden (lime) flowers. Let it infuse for 8-10 minutes and then filter the content. Put the tea in the cup of tea, let it 1-2 minutes, and enjoy.
  • Boil 1/2 liter of water. Then, put 2 teabags on the tea spot. Let it infuse for 8-10 minutes Then, take of the teabags and let the tea to rest 2 minutes, and enjoy.

Sweeten with honey or sugar, as you prefer. You can put 3-4 drops of syrup pears or apple in tea, but I prefer without.

Tilia Tea



Warning! Do not drink more than three cups of linden tea a day and do not use too concentrated infusions! In dose too high, the flowers of linden tea may have effects on the nervous system stimulants, causing insomnia.

Peppermint Tea

Mentha is a type of 25-30 species of plants from family Lamiaceae, worldwide distributed.

Peppermint tea, also known as mint tea, is the Moroccan traditional drink. It is a tasty tea that gives you a good feeling.

Mint was very popular among Greeks and Romans. Its flavor and medicinal qualities have been appreciated for centuries, being used in many ways.
In many countries mint tea is drunk after eating for the improving of digestion.

Peppermint can be used with success in the gastro-intestinal disorders, liver health and maintaining, indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting. This plant is recommended for food poisoning and has also an antibacterial effect. Also, Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) is a great natural remedy for relieve headaches.

PeppermintIt is recommended to drink peppermint tea after meals to have a pleasant breath and reduce symptoms of indigestion and bloating.

Drinking mint tea is not recommended in chronic constipation and gallstones.

For tea you can use teabags, fresh mint leafs or loose leaf tea.


Mint Tea recipes:

  • Boil 1 liter of water. Then, put 3 teabags of mint tea, let it infuse for 10 minutes and then take out the teabags.  Sweeten with honey or sugar, as you prefer.
  • Boil 1 liter of water. Then, put some fresh spearmint leaves or loose leaf mint tea, washed and set the tea pot over low heat and simmer the tea for 3 minutes. Let it infuse for 7-10 minutes and take out the mint. Sweeten with honey or sugar, as you prefer.
    If you want mint ice tea you can put 4-5 ice cubes and 2 slices of lemon. Also, you can use few drops of orange juice for flavor.

Traditional Moroccan tea recipe:

Traditional Moroccan tea is made from green tea leaves, mint and a large amount of sugar.
Boil water. Place in kettle of green tea leaves and 2-3 branches of mint and pour hot water over the leaves. Hot water is poured from a distance of 70-80cm, specifically to form a light foam. Then pour sugar into the pot.


PepperMint Tea