St. John’s wort Tea

“Herb of St. John”, “Grass bites”, “devil-hunting”, “false flax”, “grass of a hundred holes”, “toadflax”, the plant comes in many identities. For English speakers, it is, of course, Yellow Rattle Tea,  “St. John’s wort”, but also “Wonder or Grace of God” (Gods’ Wonder plant, Grace of God). This shows the respect they have for it.

The Latin name Hypericum comes from the Greek hyper eikona “who hunts ghosts.” The names hypericum perforatum (“openings” meaning hole) reflect the appearance of perforated sheets. Indeed, if viewed against the light, we observe that they seem carved from a large number of small holes. There are actually little pockets filled with resin and a volatile oil.

In the middle Ages, the scientists had given him the name of Fuga doemonium (devil-hunting), because they gave it the authority to expel evil spirits and witches. It is fascinating especially because there it was not that long ago the fact that it was discovered that the plant has antidepressant properties. However, for the medieval belief, depression and other mental disorders were considered forms of demonic possession.

Harvest and Preparation

We usually harvest the top half of the plant when the flowers are just beginning to open. It is cut finely and dried, according to the same principle: an insect screen mounted on a frame, away from light and moisture, or in an oven set at very low temperature, door ajar, for 4 to 6 hours. With ground ivy and elecampane, this fall you will prepare an excellent herbal tea against bronchitis. So remember to stock up!

The infusion is prepared at 15 g to 30 g of flower heads for a liter of water. It takes 3 or 4 cups a day.
For topical treatments, it was found that the best ways to extract the active ingredients of St. John’s wort was the macerate in the oil. It also gives the company an extraordinary red color reminiscent of those blazing suns for June day. That’s where we understand why English speakers also gave him the name “terrestrial sun”.

I like this tea and I drink it when I have a bad mood.

I personally put a teaspoon of herb in 500ml water, let to infuse 8-10 minutes, then slip in and pour in a cup. And enjoy it :)

Interesting Facts about St. John’s wort Tea

At the crossroads of two great cycles – and the circadian solstice – St. John’s wort evokes the great magic of the world. Indeed, it dominates the summer solstice, which marks the beginning of the descent to the long winter darkness. In addition, richer in melatonin – a neurotransmitter that plays an essential role in biological rhythms – all other known plant, it gives, the psyche harmonizes with the alternation of day and night. Plant broad daylight, yet it is the peacemaker of the night. Plant of the heart of summer, yet it is the ultimate ally in winter, when seasonal depression strikes the mind more susceptible to large fluctuations in the annual cycle.


Lemon Balm Tea

Among the wild plants that come around population centers, lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), sometimes mixed with nettles, tossed in, can go unnoticed if some species, then, reveal their secret breath (or lack thereof) at the crease, Melissa is not a stingy smell that delicious, even for a non-botanist, is an immediate sign of recognition: all the plant exhales a very pleasant fragrance of lemon sweet and heady, which earned it his name: lemongrass.


This is a perennial herb growing usually in small stands with stems 30-90 cm, erect, branched, slightly hairy, and very leafy. Leaves, opposite, stalked, ovate to 3-7 cm, broadly toothed, often eye-catching with their bright green. The flowers are small 0.0 to 1, 5 cm, white, sometimes pinkish, are in whorls of 4-12 in the axils of upper leaves. The corolla tube curved back and dilated at the top, above a chalice to 13 ribs and two lips, more than 3 teeth, flattened-concave feature, less than two teeth (all teeth very acute).

The Lemon Balm, very anciently introduced in West Asia, is found at home and naturalized here and there around houses, villages, ruins, in the hedges, the base of slopes and walls, sometimes in the vineyards. These particular stations, which facilitate the search, are the remains of ancient cultures for medicinal use.

Lemon balm is an excellent remedy for the nerves, easing tension and anxiety, bringing you good mood when you’re tired. Its relaxing effects make it a good remedy for headaches and migraines. Consumed regularly, lemon balm is very good for digestive problems associated with stress, such as decreased appetite, nausea, colic, colitis and gastritis, and an infusion may relieve mild abdominal psychogenic disorders in children.

When harvesting it, they have to gather all aerial parts of Melissa in early bloom, the morning after the dew dissipation of June (around Midsummer) in mid-August, depending on the region. Dried in the shade, in clusters or tight little garlands suspended and the plant must not yellow or darken but retain flexibility after drying, odor intact (crease) and good flavor. She can keep it as is in strong paper bags, well closed or broken, in cans or jars. No need to renew the supply each year.

To prepare the lemon balm tea is needed:

  • 1 tablespoon lemon balm leaves (can be dried or fresh)
  • 300 cubic centimeters of water.

The mode of preparation is to pour a tablespoon of lemon balm leaves in boiling water and let stand for several minutes (7-10 minutes). You can add a little sugar or honey to sweeten.

Rosa Canina Tea

Rosa Canina is also known as dog rose or wild rose; they are the fruits of the rose coming from the plant seeds. These plants have one of the richest vitamin C sources, per 10 grams of dried leaves or hips, there are 170-200 milligrams of vitamin C.

Taking into account that the minimum daily requirement of vitamin D to maintain our immune system in good condition is of approximately 60 milligrams, would then be well covered with a cup of Dog Rose Tea. In addition, the rose hips contain good amount of vitamin D, vitamin E, essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids, antioxidant value is even higher than the one contained by the blueberries.


In powder form, the hips also serve as a natural remedy to treat rheumatoid arthritis. This wonderful and powerful botanical discovery can also be used as a preventative remedy for urinary tract infections. Due to the outstanding content of iron, many women drink Do Rose tea in order to replenish iron lost during menstruation. It can also be used to treat constipation.

Due to the huge amounts of vitamin C, this can interfere with certain anticoagulant medications. Therefore, should not use this herb if you are taking anticoagulants. Also, those with sickle cell anemia should not consume this tea.

On the other hand, and after leaving apart these details, we can only make us a good tea.

Dog Rose Tea Recipe

  • You will need 1 tablespoon of drying and grinding rose hips for every cup of water
  • Boil for 15 minutes.
  • Let it sit for awhile, and serve it hot.
  • Yes, it is quite simple, but this is one of the main ingredients that can be mixed with other herbs to create your own healthy tea. Don’t be afraid to experience.

You can also perform excellent and rich rose hips canned mixture, but must be taken into account mainly that they must be fresh. Place them in a jar (previously the hips grind), and then pour a little bit of honey until that it covers fully the fruit. Cover the container with a porous fabric to allow the honey to evaporate and thicken, process which will take place a little more than one week. You can do this with many other herbs in their greater taste, but only works if they are fresh. The goodness of herbal extracts and honey complemented with theirs, thus this mixture becomes a wonderfully healthy option spreads the toasts and tasty, or also serves to sweeten tea or tisane.

I like the taste of this tea 😀 .

Artichoke Tea

The artichoke tea is an infusion of bitter flavor, with diuretics and depurative properties, which contribute to the good hepatobiliary system functioning, to lose weight and to low the cholesterol, among other benefits for the health.
The artichoke tea is a delicious drink that is very popular in South America and Vietnam. The artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) is used in the whole history for its medicinal value. The majority of the curative properties that the artichoke has, exist due to its active principle, the cinarina. The cinarina has been studied very much lately for its effects on reducing the cholesterol. Those that appreciate the alternative medicine can tell you the wonders the artichoke tea can do for you. The Artichoke tea has properties that can help you to reduce the levels of cholesterol, they help to attack the cancer due to the antioxidant capacity that it has. It has also an effect of small weight loss that many people enjoy.

The artichoke tea is rich in folic acid, vitamin A1, vitamin B1, vitamin C as well as in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and dietetic fibers. Thanks to all its “ingredients”, it provides the following benefits to us:
• It helps to protect the liver and it’s effective in the treatment of the affections related to this organ. It helps the persons with hepatic insufficiency. Indirectly it improves the recovery of the alcoholism effects.
• It is a diuretic, contains insulin, so it regulates the sugar in the blood. Likewise it is a diuretic being an advisable infusion for the weight loss helping to the decrease of the corporal fat and the urine retention.
• It is a great tranquilizing for the stomach and predisposes to the appetite recovery.
• It allows a rapid recovery when suffering of nauseas, abdominal pains, constipation, diarrhea and stomach acidity.
• It helps decreasing the cholesterol level.
• It stimulates the blood circulation.

Artichoke Tea Recipe
• 12 artichoke leaves
• 1 cup of 250 cubic centimeters of boiling water

How to Prepare It:
• Introduce the leaves in the boiling water and leave them there about 10 minutes.
• Seep and drink warmly.
• Drink it after diner.
• It is possible to combine it with mint to smooth its flavor.

The Sage Tea

The Sage Tea

The sage has various therapeutic uses because of its medicinal properties. One of the ways of using these properties is consuming tea of sage, since the essential oils, responsible for its properties, are concentrated in the leaves and flowers. The qualities of the Sage are announced by its scientific name: Salvia officinalis, name that seems to derive from the Latin salvare (to cure). The ancients called it herba sacra (saint herb).

This plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family, one of the most noble and extensive family plant, that brings together herbs such as oregano, mint, Rosemary, thyme or lavender, each one of them having magnificent properties.

Sage Tea Properties

Sage has hypoglycemic properties, which means that it regulates the blood sugar levels. So, it is totally recommended for the people who have diabetes to consume Sage tea. Sage infusions are useful to treat stomach cramps with presence of diarrhea cases; this is due to the antispasmodic properties possessed by this plant.

The Sage Tea is a good diuretic, offering relief to your stomach and your digestive system. It is also excellent for balancing the menstrual period. It stops the diarrhea and the asthmatic crises.

Its benefits can be also seen in emotional issues. It can stabilize the people who are going through a depression time.

Sage Tea Recipe


• 25 grams. Of fresh Sage.

• 2 tablespoons of honey.

• 1 1/2 cups of water.

• 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

How to prepare:

• Make an infusion with Sage.

• Sweetens with honey.

• Let stand for 5 minutes.

• Add the lemon juice before drinking.


• Take 2 cups for a five days period.

• On children, half cup for 3 days is enough.

Enjoy the taste of Sage Tea and each one of its benefic properties!

You can buy Sage Tea from Amazon